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Northeast Delta Dental Named One of NH Business Magazine Best Companies to Work For
CONCORD, NH – September 2022 - Business NH Magazine has named Northeast Delta Dental one of its 2022 Best Companies to Work For.
The companies to make the list are selected through a combination of an employer application, employee engagement survey (which at least 50% of the workforce must complete) and finally an on-site visit (top 12 only) by a judging committee who interview CEOs, hold employee focus groups, and tour the facilities.
Northeast Delta Dental is proud of our employee colleagues and is honored to be among NH's Best Companies to Work For.
About Delta Dental Plan of New Hampshire
Delta Dental Plan of New Hampshire is one of three Delta Dental Plans doing business jointly as Northeast Delta Dental. Northeast Delta Dental administers dental benefits in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, offering dental insurance programs for organizations of all sizes and individuals and families with no access to employer-sponsored dental benefits.