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Medical/Dental Integration Tool Kit
- Directions
(Important information on use of the following forms.) - Dental Medical Consultation Form
(For use in referring your patients to medical providers.) - Pregnancy Consultation Form
(To share with your patients' Obstetricians.) - Medical Dental Consultation Form
(For medical colleagues to use in requesting dental evaluation or treatment prior to medical procedures such as cancer treatment, organ transplant, joint replacement or heart surgery.) - Blood Glucose Values
(A blood glucose test measures the amount of sugar, called glucose, in your blood.) - Blood Pressure Classification for Adults
(This hypertension chart provides basic guidelines for medical referral of your patients for treatment. Feel free to print for use in your office.) - Hemoglobin A1c Values
(The A1c test is a blood test that provides information about a person's average levels of blood glucose–also called blood sugar–over the past three months.) - Physical Status Classification System
The purpose of this grading system is simply to assess the degree of a patient's "sickness" or "physical state" prior to selecting the anesthetic or prior to performing surgery.) - Universal Pain Scale
(The universal pain scale may help you receive more accurate pain assessments from your patients.)