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Prevent abuse and neglect through dental awareness
Mandated reporters are required to report signs of abuse and neglect in vulnerable populations, such as children, the elderly and people with disabilities.
Although each state's law varies, mandated reporters ensure safety by reporting suspected abuse. The Department of Health and Human Services investigates the report and determines whether intervention is necessary.
- What if I suspect abuse or neglect?
Any person who has reason to suspect that a child under the age of 18 or a vulnerable adult over 18 has been abused and/or neglected must make a report to the Department of Health and Human Services. - When should I report my concerns?
If you suspect that a child or vulnerable adult is being abused and/or neglected, you are required to immediately report your concerns to your state's Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Proof of abuse and neglect is not required before reporting. After business hours, if you believe there is an imminent danger, call the local police department. - What if I am mistaken?
Each state mandates that any person making a report in good faith is immune from any civil or criminal liability. It is the responsibility of the state agency to assess the information you provide.
The following state-specific resources offer guidance on reporting protocol and accessing support services for Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.
To report child abuse or neglect
- 800-452-1999
Maine Department of Health and Human Services Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services reporting options:
- Mandated Reporter call 800-624-8404
- All others call 800-624-8404
- Online reporting form
New Hampshire
Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF)
To report child abuse
- 603-271-6562
- 800-894-5533 (in-state only)
New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS)
Bureau of Elderly & Adult Services (BEAS)
Report adult abuse or neglect
- Email Address:
- Phone: 603-271-7014
- Alternate Phone: 800-949-0470
- Fax: 603-271-4743
Agency of Human Services Department for Children and Families
To report child abuse
- 800-649-5285
Vermont Division of Licensing and Protection
Adult Protective Services
Reporting options
- Email:
- Telephone: 800 564-1612
Child abuse reporting
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office of Child and Family Services
To report suspected child abuse and/or neglect call Intake 1-800-452-1999, if you are deaf or hard of hearing call 711 (Maine Relay).
The Office of Child and Family Services line is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including on holidays.
Adult abuse reporting
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office of Aging and Disability Services
Report Methods
- If you are a Mandated Reporter you are required by law (22 M.R.S. § 3477) to call 1-800-624-8404 to make a report to Adult Protective Services.
- If you are not a mandated reporter, you can call 1-800-624-8404 (24-hour, Toll Free) or Maine Relay 711 to report abuse, neglect, or exploitation or complete the online form below.
If you are concerned about someone under the age of 18, please call 1-800-452-1999 (Maine Relay 711 - TTY)
Child abuse reporting
Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF)
NH Law requires any person who suspects that a child under age 18 has been abused or neglected must report that suspicion immediately to DCYF. (New Hampshire RSA 169-C:29-31).
If a child tells you that he or she has been hurt or you are concerned that a child may be the victim of any type of abuse or neglect, you must call the Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) Central Intake Unit at:
800-894-5533 (in-state only)
Sometimes, people are unsure if a situation is abusive or neglectful. Even if you're in doubt, call. DCYF has extensive experience in child protection. DCYF may find no abuse or neglect has taken place but may still offer assistance to the family.
Adult abuse reporting
Bureau of Elderly & Adult Services (BEAS)
The Adult Protection Law requires any person who has a reason to believe that a vulnerable adult has been subjected to abuse, neglect, exploitation or self-neglect to make a report immediately to the Bureau of Elderly & Adult Services (BEAS).
Call (603) 271-7014 or toll Free from within NH at 1-800-949-0470.
Email Address:
Phone: 603-271-7014
Alternate Phone: 800-949-0470
Fax: 603-271-4743
Make a Report
- If you suspect abuse, neglect, self-neglect or exploitation you must call BEAS.
- Proof of abuse or neglect is not required to make a report.
- Reports are confidential and can be anonymous.
- The Adult Protection Law does not allow BEAS to release your personal information to anyone unless you agree or a court orders BEAS to do so.
Child abuse reporting
Department for Children and Families
If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, call 1-800-649-5285 to report it — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
How To Make A Report
- Call 1-800-649-5285 — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We accept relay calls.
- Try to gather as much information as possible before you call. This includes the child’s name, date of birth, race and ethnicity, home address, school or child care provider as well as the names of the parents or guardians.
- A social worker will question you and record the information you provide.
Adult abuse reporting
Adult Protective Services
Make a report to APS if you believe a vulnerable adult was abused, neglected, or exploited by an alleged perpetrator. You should make a report if you feel that a vulnerable adult has been harmed because of actions (or inaction) taken by a specific person or persons other than themselves. In most cases, this requires an alleged perpetrator to either intentionally or recklessly harm the vulnerable adult. Vermont Law establishes who are vulnerable adults and what constitutes abuse, neglect and exploitation.
APS does not provide emergency services. If a vulnerable adult is in a life-threatening situation or needs immediate intervention to protect someone from harm, call 911 so that law enforcement and medical personnel can get involved immediately. A report to APS can be made after emergency services have been provided.
Reporting Options
You can make a report to APS in the following ways:
Make an Online Report
This is the preferred method to make a report. This system is accessible 24 hours a day, and information submitted is immediately uploaded into the APS investigation management system, making it immediately accessible to APS staff. This reporting system also requires key information for submission, which also ensures you’ve made a complete report so that APS can act faster on the information you provide. If you have technical barriers or are having difficulty with making an online report, we recommend using one of the other filing methods.
To help ensure that APS has the information necessary to act on your emailed report, please consider the reporting guidelines. If you are able to complete an online report, that will address the same reporting recommendations and allow APS to process the report faster.
Telephone Toll Free: (800) 564-1612